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2 day safari from zanzibar

2 Day
Tanzania Safari From Zanzibar

2 Day Safari from Zanzibar Island to Northern Tanzania

This 2-day Tanzania safari from Zanzibar is a great and popular short tour, perfect for those staying in Zanzibar and wanting to explore the famous safari in Tanzania, like Tarangire National Park and Ngorongoro Crater. It’s ideal for travelers who want a brief wildlife adventure without spending too much time away from Zanzibar.

The safari begins in Zanzibar. On Day 1, you’ll fly from Zanzibar to Arusha (a 1-hour flight, with ticket prices varying). After landing, you'll take a 2-hour drive to Tarangire National Park, where you’ll enjoy an afternoon to early evening game drive.

This 2-day safari is a great way to experience Tanzania's wildlife while still enjoying your Zanzibar beach vacation. You’ll visit Tarangire, known for its large elephant herds, baobab trees, and many animals, and Ngorongoro Crater, a UNESCO World Heritage Site home to lions, elephants, rhinos, and hippos.



√ Day 1 - Zanzibar to Tarangire NP

√ Day 2 - Ngorongoro Crater to Znz

Tour Features

Best Lodge and Campsite Guarantee

Can be Customized

Can start any day

Suitable for all ages

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Frequently Asked Questions About the 2-Day Safari Starting from Zanzibar

1. Can I do a safari from Zanzibar in just 2 days?

Yes, a 2-day safari from Zanzibar is entirely possible, though it requires careful planning to maximize your time. Because Zanzibar is an island, you’ll need to factor in a short domestic flight to the mainland. Most 2-day safari itineraries start with a flight from Zanzibar to Arusha, Kilimanjaro, or Manyara airport, typically taking about 1 to 1.5 hours. Once on the mainland, the parks of the Northern Safari Circuit (Tarangire, Ngorongoro Crater, or Lake Manyara) are accessible by a short drive. Given the limited time, it’s important to focus on one or two parks that are relatively close together to ensure you get the most out of your wildlife experience.

While a 2-day safari is a whirlwind adventure, it’s possible to see a variety of wildlife, especially if you choose parks like Ngorongoro Crater or Tarangire, where animals are densely populated. However, keep in mind that a 2-day safari is much more about getting a taste of Tanzania’s rich wildlife, as opposed to a longer, more immersive experience that would allow for a deeper exploration of the parks.

2. Which national parks can I visit on a 2-day safari?

When planning a 2-day safari from Zanzibar, your choice of parks is important, as you’ll want to maximize your time by choosing parks that offer high concentrations of wildlife and are easily accessible. The most popular parks for a short safari include:

  -Ngorongoro Crater: One of the best options for a 2-day safari, Ngorongoro Crater is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the world’s largest inactive volcanic caldera. It’s essentially a natural wildlife sanctuary, where a diverse range of animals are concentrated in a relatively small area. On a single day in Ngorongoro, you can spot lions, elephants, buffalo, and the elusive black rhino. This makes it ideal for short safaris because you don’t need to spend a lot of time traveling within the park to see a variety of species.

  -Tarangire National Park: Another excellent option, especially during the dry season (June to October), when the park’s wildlife gathers around the Tarangire River. The park is known for its large herds of elephants, iconic baobab trees, and stunning landscapes. You’re also likely to see zebras, giraffes, and predators like lions. The advantage of Tarangire is that it’s less crowded compared to Serengeti and Ngorongoro, offering a more intimate safari experience.

3. How do I get from Zanzibar to the safari parks?

The most efficient way to travel from Zanzibar to mainland Tanzania’s safari parks is by air. There are several daily flights from Zanzibar to Arusha or Kilimanjaro International Airport, both of which are the main gateways to the Northern Safari Circuit. The flight takes about 1 to 1.5 hours, giving you plenty of time to start your safari on the same day.

Once you land in Arusha or Kilimanjaro, you will typically be picked up by your safari guide or tour operator and driven to your first national park. The drive to Tarangire or Lake Manyara is about 2 to 3 hours, while Ngorongoro Crater is about a 3-hour drive from Arusha. If your flight arrives early in the day, you can fit in a short game drive on the afternoon of your first day. The second day will be spent fully immersed in game drives, allowing you to maximize your short safari experience.

4. What wildlife can I expect to see on a 2-day safari?

Even though a 2-day safari is relatively short, Tanzania’s national parks are home to an abundance of wildlife, making it highly likely that you’ll have rewarding game viewing. Depending on the park you visit, here’s what you can expect:

   -Ngorongoro Crater: Ngorongoro is known as one of the best places to see the “Big Five” (lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhino) in one day, due to the high concentration of wildlife within the crater. Black rhinos, although elusive, are frequently spotted here, making Ngorongoro one of the few places in Tanzania where you can see them. Other animals include wildebeests, zebras, hyenas, hippos, and jackals.

    -Tarangire National Park: Tarangire is famous for its massive elephant herds, often seen near the Tarangire River. It’s also home to lions, cheetahs, and leopards, though predators are less frequently spotted here compared to the Serengeti. The park also supports giraffes, impalas, gazelles, and waterbuck. In addition, Tarangire is a great place for birdwatching, with over 500 bird species recorded.

     -Lake Manyara National Park: Lake Manyara’s tree-climbing lions are its claim to fame, but you’re also likely to see elephants, hippos, giraffes, and herds of buffalo. The lake itself is often dotted with thousands of flamingos, creating a pink shoreline. The park is also home to baboons and blue monkeys.

Although a 2-day safari may not give you enough time to explore every corner of the parks, the diversity and abundance of wildlife in Tanzania ensure you’ll have plenty of exciting sightings.

5. How much does a 2-day safari cost?

The cost of a 2-day safari from Zanzibar can vary depending on factors such as the season, level of accommodation, and the parks visited. On average, prices range between $600 and $1,200 per person. Luxury safari options with stays in high-end lodges or tented camps will be on the higher end of the spectrum, while budget safaris that include simpler accommodations and shorter game drives will be more affordable.

The cost typically includes flights, transfers, park fees, guide services, accommodation, and meals. Always check with your tour operator to see what’s included in the price, as certain extras like beverages, additional tours, or cultural experiences may come at an additional cost.

6. What should I pack for a 2-day safari?

When packing for a short 2-day safari, it’s important to travel light, especially since domestic flights in Tanzania often have luggage restrictions. Here’s a list of essentials to bring:

  -Neutral-colored clothing: Safari clothes in colors like khaki, brown, and green are recommended to blend into the environment and avoid attracting insects.

  -Comfortable shoes: Closed shoes like sneakers or light hiking boots are ideal for walking around camps or lodges.

  -Sun protection: Bring a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun during game drives.

  -Light jacket: Early mornings and evenings can be cool, especially in higher altitudes like Ngorongoro.

  -Camera or binoculars: These are essential for wildlife viewing and capturing those once-in-a-lifetime moments.

  -Insect repellent: Particularly for evenings, when mosquitoes are more active.

  -Personal items: Any medications, toiletries, and basic travel documents.

7. Can I customize a 2-day safari itinerary?

Yes, most safari operators offer customizable itineraries. Although 2 days is a short amount of time, you can tailor the experience to your preferences. For example, you can choose the parks you want to visit, the type of accommodation (luxury lodge vs. tented camp), and even opt for additional experiences like cultural tours or night drives if available.

If you’re a first-time visitor, it’s often recommended to stick to a standard itinerary that visits one or two of the Northern Circuit parks, such as Ngorongoro and Tarangire. However, if you have specific preferences, most operators will work with you to create an itinerary that fits your interests.

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